Commander Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Generators’ Category

How Long a Whole House Generator Installation Really Takes

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Whole house generators are amazing. They provide power during outages without any of the hassles of portable generators, like exhaust ventilation hazards, extension cords, fuel storage or running out to buy fuel, having to start the generator manually, or choosing which things to power. The whole house generator comes on automatically and powers everything!

That said, a whole house generator is not something you can simply purchase when the power goes out. A lot of planning needs to go into it. The whole house generator installation process begins well before the generator actually arrives at your home. Here’s a timeline of what to expect.

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Why Whole House Generators Relieve Your Stress as a Homeowner

Monday, July 17th, 2023

Owning a home comes with a whole host of stressful situations. Just when you’ve got the last thing sorted out, something else crops up. And here in Florida, that something else might just be a hurricane or other storm taking out power for days at a time. Of course, many of us rely on portable generators in order to be prepared for situations like that, but it’s a less-than-ideal solution. Portable generators can give you electricity, but they also generate other causes of stress. Whole house generators actually solve the problem completely. 

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Should You Have a Whole House Generator Installed?

Monday, November 7th, 2022

In Florida, whether because of a hurricane or a smaller storm, it’s always a possibility that our homes will lose power and leave us wondering—sometimes for days—when it will be restored. A backup generator is the only way we can be sure we’ll have electricity for basic necessities like refrigeration. 

Many of us rely on portable generators, which can be a lifesaver when we don’t have any other options. But they pose their own challenges, and have some major drawbacks. A whole house generator is another option, but what are the benefits and drawbacks? Is a whole house generator in Pensacola, FL the best choice for your home?

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Benefits of a Whole Home Generator

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Power outages affect millions of Americans every year. They can be caused by severe weather, but also by vehicle accidents, equipment failure, and more. We rely on electrical power for basic necessities like keeping our homes at a safe temperature. We also rely on it for conveniences that may seem like necessities when we experience an outage: a coffee maker, for example. With a whole home generator, interruptions in the power grid do not have to mean interruptions in your safety and comfort.

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