Commander Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

Why Get a Dual Fuel System? We Have a Few Reasons

Monday, March 11th, 2024

These days, you might hear a lot about heat pumps, energy efficiency, or hybrid heating systems, but you might not know exactly what’s true and what’s just exaggeration or sales pitches. It can be hard to determine exactly what would be best for your home when you’re in the market for a heating system. 

Is a heat pump enough? What if it isn’t? Is it worth the risk of not having enough heat, just to cut your heating bill? Just how efficient are these things, anyway? And what can you do if you want that efficiency but you don’t want to sacrifice your comfort? Consider a dual fuel system. Here are some great reasons why.

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Heat Pump Not Switching Modes? Here’s What’s Wrong

Monday, February 12th, 2024

There are two things about heat pumps that make them absolutely amazing. The first is their efficiency, especially when it comes to heating. Since they only transfer heat rather than having to generate it, they use less energy in comparison to other heating systems such as furnaces. 

The second is their ability to function both as heating systems and as air conditioners. But when that ability is compromised, it can cause incredible frustration. What good is this amazing system when it can’t do the jobs it’s designed to do? If your heat pump won’t switch modes, there’s one component which is responsible: the reversing valve. We’ll tell you everything you need to know.

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How Ductless Heating Saves You Money

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Taken together, heating and cooling costs are a huge chunk of any family or homeowner’s expenses. According to the US Energy Information Administration, heating and cooling account for 52% of the average American household’s energy use. Clearly, anything that can be done to reduce that energy usage will put money back in your pocket.

Luckily, there are ways to dramatically cut the energy you spend on both heating and cooling. In Florida, if you use a furnace, you’re spending a lot of money you don’t need to. Here’s how a ductless system can cut your energy use and your bills.

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3 Surprising Benefits of a Home Dual Fuel Heating System

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

For most of the winter in our region, a heat pump can provide sufficient warmth all by itself. These systems work at peak efficiency even as temperatures drop below 40 degrees.

During the coldest stretches, though, a heat pump just might not quite cut it. It will try harder and harder to warm your home, using more energy than it should and still not achieving ideal warmth.

A heat pump is still an amazing piece of HVAC technology, though, and you could still reap all the benefits of it without worrying about getting too cold. How? With a dual fuel system! To provide adequate heat when necessary while keeping energy use as low as possible, a dual fuel system has a backup furnace for the heat pump.

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How to Know if Your Heat Pump is Failing

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Most folks who have chosen heat pumps for their homes are very happy with that decision. They enjoy effective cooling—and heating!—and efficient operation that keeps their utility bills down. And those benefits can last a long time. But nothing lasts forever. Eventually, heat pumps do need to be replaced. How can you tell that it’s time to retire your old heat pump in favor of a new one? Here are some key signs to be aware of.

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