Commander Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How Gas Fireplaces Can Help You Spend Less on Heating This Winter

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Ahh, a fireplace. It’s the ideal image of a toasty, cozy, welcoming space. Whether it’s rustic or elegant, old-fashioned or top-of-the-line, a fireplace can’t be beat for atmosphere and making a house feel like a home. Unfortunately, wood-burning fireplaces are messy and inconvenient, and perhaps worst of all, they’re extremely inefficient.

A gas-burning fireplace can provide that welcoming atmosphere and cozy, homey feeling without getting your living room covered in sawdust, bark bits, and ash. And it can help you to spend less on heating. Not only is a gas-burning fireplace more efficient than one that burns wood, it’s also a cheaper way to heat than your electric furnace. Here’s why.

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Furnace Breakdown Checklist: Can You Fix It Yourself?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Oh, no! Your furnace has totally stopped working! What the heck is going on? Do you need to call for emergency furnace repair? Wait a moment. While it would never be a safe or sensible choice to open up your furnace cabinet and start tinkering around, you might not need professional repairs just yet, either.

Before you do anything else, you should check on some basics. When your furnace simply isn’t running, or starts but immediately stops, follow this checklist to see if you can resolve the problem yourself.

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Furnace Not Working All of a Sudden? It Might Be This Little Sensor

Monday, January 15th, 2024

When a furnace completely stops working during the coldest depths of winter, it’s a huge problem. You can’t wait around for repairs until you get hypothermia and fall over like a frozen iguana dropping out of a tree! But we’ve got some excellent news for you. One of the most common causes of a sudden furnace breakdown is actually very simple.

There are safety mechanisms built into your furnace. This protects you from things like gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning. One part of your furnace’s safety system is called the flame sensor. It’s very easy for it to stop working properly, and lucky for you, it’s also easy to fix.

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The Cost Efficiency of Running a Gas Fireplace in Your Home

Monday, September 25th, 2023

Gas fireplaces are beautiful and elegant. They make a home look cozy and comforting, much like a wood-burning fireplace does, but without any of the mess of ashes, sawdust, and bits of bark. It’s easy to start a fire: just flip a switch, no need for crumpling newspaper and carefully crafting a pyramid of twigs. Perhaps best of all, they are highly efficient.

How is heating efficiency measured? How efficient is a gas fireplace compared to a wood-burning one? How much money can you save? Here are the details.

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3 Common Pool Heater Problems and How to Fix Them

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Ahhh, the joys of having a pool during a Florida summer! But as hot as it can get at some points, at others, you would be miserably chilly in that water without your pool heater. Yes, a pool heater makes it possible to enjoy that pool anytime… as long as it’s working properly. But what if it isn’t? What if it’s behaving oddly or just not getting the water warm enough? Here are three of the issues you might spot with your pool heater and what to do if you encounter them.

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How Long Does a Fireplace Installation Take?

Monday, February 27th, 2023

You love the idea of a fireplace, but cleaning up ashes and crispy tinder doesn’t sound appealing. If that sounds like you, a gas-burning fireplace may be the better option.

There are several options to choose from, and each has different benefits and drawbacks. The trick is finding out which ones make the most sense for your family and lifestyle.

The type of gas fireplace you want and the home you’re fitting it into both affect the installation process. We’ll give a rundown of some basics.

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When Should I Upgrade My Furnace?

Monday, February 13th, 2023

How’s your furnace doing this winter? Are you happy with its performance?

Is it efficient enough, so you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for your heat? Or are you starting to wonder about your options for upgrading?

As long as your furnace hasn’t totally failed, you’ve got time to ponder the possibilities. What repairs are good investments, and when would you be better off investing in a new furnace?

What other considerations should you keep in mind? We have some helpful tips for you as you make this important decision. 

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How to Know if Your Furnace Needs Repair

Monday, January 30th, 2023

You’re probably pretty good at spotting when a person needs to see a doctor. Years of experience have finely honed your skills at recognizing signs of illness or injury in others.

Maybe you have some related skills in a different area, such as noticing when your car isn’t behaving normally and it’s time to take it to the mechanic.

But what about your furnace? How do you develop the skill set that will help you recognize furnace problems so you can get furnace repair promptly when it’s needed?

It’s a matter of knowing the signs and paying attention. Only time and practice will make this come easily, but we can get you started in the right direction.

Pay attention to these clues, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a finely-tuned instrument for assessing furnace health.

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5 Troubleshooting Tips for Your Home Heating Before Calling for Repair

Monday, December 19th, 2022

We often emphasize the importance of making sure that heating maintenance and repair is only done by trained, qualified, experienced professionals.

For both your safety and the wellbeing of your heating system, we stand firmly behind that belief. However, there are some exceptions.

There are times when a few moments spent checking on basic things could save you the hassle and expense of heating repair. 

So here are five things you should do yourself before you call for heating repair in Pensacola, FL.

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Is Dual Fuel Better Than a Gas Furnace?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

If you need to replace your furnace, or you’re starting to do research because you’ll probably need to replace it soon, there may be options on the market that weren’t available when you last purchased a furnace. You’ve heard of hybrid cars, but did you know that hybrid heating is possible? It’s called a dual fuel system, and it can be ideal for many homes.

How can you determine whether a dual fuel system or a gas furnace is the right choice for your home? There are several factors. 

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