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Commander Air Inc. Blog

3 Reasons to Schedule Maintenance With a Pro


The climate in Florida tends to be on the milder side, even in winter. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t get our cold spells. When those cold spells hit, it is good to know you have a working heating system on your side to keep things comfortable.

We want you to enjoy the best peace of mind possible this season which is why we want to make sure you really can rely on your heating system. Whether it is a furnace or a heat pump, your heater needs HVAC maintenance in Pace, FL and we are here to provide it.

Here’s why it pays off to schedule your system maintenance today:

1. It keeps your system energy efficient

Maintenance is great for keeping your HVAC system running efficiently. Without maintenance, your system is likely to lose 5% of its energy efficiency, even if it isn’t used all that much. Regular, yearly tune-ups help your system maintain a majority of its original efficiency.

2. It makes sure that you stay optimally comfortable

A well-maintained heater is one that will operate more effectively as well. When your heater is cleaned and optimized by an expert, it will be able to heat your home much more easily, keeping you more comfortable with less trouble.

3. It helps to prevent heating system repairs

Maintenance is also going to help prevent repairs. It’s why we tell everyone that this can be thought of as a preventative service. Rather than leaving small issues to escalate, maintenance helps address them while they are small so they don’t turn into repair needs. In fact, this can prevent 85% of the repairs that a system would encounter without repairs.

4. It keeps repairs that do pop up more affordable

Let’s be clear, maintenance does prevent a majority of repairs but it won’t prevent all of them. Thankfully, the other benefit of regular maintenance is that it helps to keep the price of the repairs that do pop up more affordable. This means rather than having a $300 repair bill, you are more likely to need $150 to get your system fixed, if that.

5. It keeps your heating system safe to operate

Last and certainly not least, maintenance makes sure that your system is safe to operate. Those smaller issues that are addressed early won’t be able to create safety issues either. Things like dirt build-up that would create delays in your system’s ignition and may lead to bigger problems in your furnace are cleared away, preventing the problem entirely and giving you better peace of mind when running your heater.

Maintenance Made Easy

If you haven’t gotten your heater tuned up, it isn’t too late! Our team is here and ready to help when you need us. Make sure to reach out today to get your maintenance service set up.

You can also make maintenance appointments easier by signing up for our maintenance program. This program guarantees that you will get the service you need every year without worry.

Schedule your maintenance appointment with the team at Commander Air Inc. Your hometown heating and cooling specialist for three generations

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