Commander Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

Why an Icy AC is Bad

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Your air conditioner is running full-throttle but something isn’t right. You can’t get comfortable so you go to check on your system and discover there is a layer of ice building up on your AC unit. While you may not realize this is a bad thing, we want to urge you that an iced-over AC requires professional air conditioning repair in Pace, FL.

The team at Commander Air Inc. is staffed by professionals that know why this is a problem and exactly how to fix it. And before you pick up that scraper, no, scraping the ice off is not the solution.

Let us explain a bit more about this problem and why it requires professional repairs so you know both when and why you should call us.

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5 Noises Your AC Shouldn’t Make

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Living in Florida requires a properly-working air conditioner. That’s why you make sure to utilize best practices when using your A/C and scheduling your yearly maintenance appointment without fail. With that said, however, your system is still going to occasionally need some extra help to do its job.

Even if your system is relatively new, a few years out from its installation per se, there is a chance that consistent use can create a possible repair need. One of the best ways that you can pick up on a problem in your air conditioner is by noting any noises that your system is making that it really shouldn’t make.

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