Commander Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Pensacola’

Does A Leak Mean The End Of Your Water Heater?

Monday, December 7th, 2020

When there is a leak around your home it is a problem. It can lead to mold and water damage among water waste. At the end of the day, leaks are never good and no one wants to leave them to worsen.

A leak in any part of your house is bad news of course but one in your water heater can be a bigger worry than a pinhole leak under the sink. Why? Because a water heater leak can mean you need water heater repairs or even a replacement. The question is how do you know which one it is?

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5 Signs Something is Up With Your Tankless Water Heater

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Using cold water isn’t always a bad thing. It is often said that cooler or lukewarm showers are beneficial to the health of your skin and hair. However, for sanitary purposes, there are plenty of times when the use of warmer water is preferred (think scrubbing down those dishes you just retrieved from your kid’s room). If your water heater is on the fritz though, this may be harder to do.

A faulty water heater is never a good thing. After all, the longer a water heater with a problem is left unaddressed the more likely you are to be left without any hot water at all. That’s why you should contact us for tankless water heater repair in Pensacola as soon as you notice these warning signs:

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Systems to Boost Your IAQ

Monday, July 20th, 2020

If you walked into a building that was filled with dust and debris, you probably wouldn’t want to stay very long. It is uncomfortable for one thing and it can trigger allergies and other uncomfortable conditions for another.

As you may have guessed, your indoor air quality is highly important not just to your health but also to your comfort. With the help of our HVAC contractor in Pensacola, FL you can improve your IAQ (indoor air quality) and, by default, your home comfort too!

If you are having problems with your IAQ like the ones we have listed below, all you have to do it contact us for a solution.

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Is Your AC Ready for the Heat?

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Pensacola is rapidly heating up. With the rising temperatures, your air conditioner is going to be seeing a lot more action. The question that we have for your though, is are your sure that your air conditioner going to be able to stand the test of the summer. If you aren’t sure about your answer, then hopefully we can help. Our maintenance services for AC systems in Pensacola are meant to help your unit perform as optimally as possible without costing you an arm and a leg.

If your AC hasn’t been serviced yet, now is the best time to set up a maintenance check, before the stronger summertime temperatures kick in. If you aren’t sure about getting a tune-up for your AC system, we can tell you a few reasons why it is well worth it.

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Watch Out for End-of-Season Heater Repairs

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Wintertime weather is slowly but surely beginning to ease up and give way to warmer temperatures. However, we are still seeing daily maximums in the 60s so no one is likely to be turning on their air conditioners anytime soon. Your heater still has some time left before it can rest for the spring and summer. The question is, will your heating system make it that long?

The answer to this question will depend on whether or not your heater has a need for repairs. If your system needs an end-of-season heater repair in Pensacola, your best option is to identify it and call for service from a professional ASAP.

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Tank, Tankless, or Heat Pump: Which Water Heater Is For You?

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

There are plenty of days in Pensacola when you might want to take a cold shower. It gets pretty warm around here after all. With that said, those cold showers are voluntary. No one enjoys getting bathed in icy cold water without planning for it.

This is exactly what you want to avoid happening in your home. And the best way to avoid getting a cold however when you aren’t planning on one is to ensure that your hot water heater is in good working condition. If it isn’t, you may be in need of a new hot water heater.

If you are in need of a new water heater replacement in Pensacola, FL and you think your only choice is the large tank option, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out there is more than one water heater type available to you.

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Does Your Gas Fireplace Need Repairs?

Monday, February 17th, 2020

The next several days in Pensacola are going to be full of cooler temperatures and some rain. This is the best time to kick the gas fireplace on. Not only can it help keep your home warmer, but it also adds a little something extra to give you that extra-cozy feeling.

Gas fireplaces are pretty great additions to the home. They provide the ambiance and comfort of a fire without the mess attached to burning wood and venting smoke. As you already know, these heating units do use more technology than their wood-burning counterparts which means they also require their fair share of repairs.

Since this system uses gas, you definitely don’t want to delay on repairs at any point. We want you to know what the signs are that your gas fireplace needs repairs so you can get them taken care of quickly, for the sake of your comfort and your safety.

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Why Invest in a Smart Thermostat?

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

We’ve all seen those shows that portray a wild futuristic society with flying cars, robotic waitstaff, and other technological marvels. While today we are pretty far from flying cars, we do have the benefits that come with some relatively advanced technology: smart thermostats.

Smart thermostats have all the function of the thermostats you grew up with, but also have the benefits of today’s smart home technology. This translates to a lot more control over your comfort and several other benefits too. If you are considering a thermostat upgrade then we urge you to take a moment and learn about the wonderful reasons you should consider smart thermostats in Pensacola, FL.

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3 Facts About Heat Pumps

Monday, January 20th, 2020

The weather here in Pensacola stays pretty warm most of the year. It isn’t often that we need to break out the sweaters or blankets. So when we are looking at home systems we are often considering how it can keep us cool.

However, on those days when it does become a little on the chillier side, it is nice to have a comfort system for your home that can help you stay, well, comfortable.

But like we said, Pensacola doesn’t get that cold that often. So what do you do when you want a little bit of warmth but you don’t need the power that comes with a furnace?

We have an answer in the ductless mini split heat pump. If you are in the process of updating your home comfort system, we want you to know more about heat pumps before your move forward because it could make a huge difference in your home.

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When Do I Know My Water Heater Needs Repairs?

Monday, January 6th, 2020

Some people like cool showers, others like warm showers, and still others prefer to see how hot they can make their water without burning themselves. Everyone has their temperature preferences for a shower but it is rare to find a person who enjoys having their shower suddenly turn icy while they are rinsing off.

When the water temperature in your home suddenly drops, it is normally a sign that you should reach out for water heater repair in Pensacola, FL. With that said, however, it is beneficial if you know what the signs are that your water heater is running into trouble before all semblance of warmth is lost.

We can help with both of these goals.

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